
How To Use Typescript with Node JS

Feb 03, 2023 · 7 min read

Typescript is an open-source programming language by Microsoft. Typescript is a statically typed language like C, C++, and Java. And Typescript makes javascript more capable. However, Javascript is a dynamically typed language i.e Checking the type of variable, object, function, etc is not mandatory. But We can enable static typing and perform type checks using TypeScript.

Introduction to TypeScript

  • Let's declare a variable age and assign a value to the age variable. Consider the following example without TypeScript
let age = 25
  • In the above example, We didn't perform a type check. However javascript dynamically assigned the type string to the variable age. We can check the type of age using the typeof property as shown below:
console.log(typeof age)
  • Now, We will write the same example using typescript. We will declare a variable age and perform a type check as shown below:
let age: number = '25'
  • In the above output, There is an error showing: Type 'string' is not assignable to the type 'number'. Hence, TypeScript is checking the type of the age variable before executing the code.
  • Now, We will assign a value of type number to the variable age and fix the error as shown below
let age: number = 25

Starting a Node JS Project

  • Open the CMD (Command Line Tool) and create the folder node-js-with-typescript using the following command:
mkdir node-js-with-typescript
  • Go to the current folder node-js-with-typescript and initialize a node project with the following commands:
cd node-js-with-typescript
npm init -y
  • Next, Use the following command to open node-js-with-typescript folder in Visual Studio Code.
code .

Note: You can use any code editor to work with the nodejs project. However, It is recommended to use Visual Studio Code for this article.

  • Now, the current folder structure looks like this:
└─ package.json

Installing and Configuring TypeScript

  • Node JS doesn't provide built-in support to use typescript. We have to add the npm package typescript to the node js application using the following command:
npm install -g typescript
  • We can check the installed version of typescript as shown below:
tsc --version
  • Now, We will initiate a TypeScript project for the Node JS Application
tsc --init
  • The above command will create a file tsconfig.json inside the folder node-js-with-typescript
  • Replace the code of tsconfig.json with the following code block:
	"compilerOptions": {
		"outDir": "./dist",
		/* Language and Environment */
		"target": "es2016" /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */,
		/* Modules */
		"module": "commonjs",
		/* Allow 'import x from y' when a module doesn't have a default export. */
		"esModuleInterop": true,
		/* Type Checking */
		"strict": true
  • We will also Install typescript as a dev dependency using the following command:
npm install typescript --save-dev
  • Create a new folder named src inside the folder node-js-with-typescript and a file index.ts inside the folder src.
  • Now, the current folder structure will look similar as shown below:
├─ src
|  ├─ index.ts
└─ package.json
  • Add the following code block to the index.ts file:
function addTwoNumbers(x: number, y: number) {
	let z = x + y
	return z
  • Compile the typescript files into javascript files using the following command:
npx tsc
  • The above command will create a folder dist and a file index.js inside the folder dist. Now, We will run the following command:
node dist/index.js

Using ts-node For Executing TypeScript Files

  • Compiling typescript files and executing javascript separately adds a little headache. So, We use the npm package ts-node to execute typescript files directly
  • Install ts-node as a dev dependency with the following command:
npm install ts-node --save-dev
  • Now, Run the following command to execute the index.ts file directly
npx ts-node src/index.ts
  • Alternatively, We can add start property to scripts object in package.json as shown below:
"start": "ts-node src/index.ts"
  • Now, We can simply use the command npm run start to execute typescript files.

Using TypeScript With NPM Packages

We can use typescript with any npm package. Here, We will learn to use typescript with Express JS.

Setting Up TypeScript for Express

  • Open CMD(Command Line Tool) and run the following commands:
mkdir node-js-express-with-typescript
cd node-js-express-with-typescript
  • Initialize a node project using the command:
npm init -y
  • The above command will create a file package.json inside the folder node-js-express-with-typescript
package.json file
  • Install the npm package express with the following command:
npm install express --save
  • Now, We will Install typescript to use TypeScript in Node JS Application, @types/node to add type support for Node JS, @types/express to add type support for Express JS, ts-node to execute typescript files and nodemon to restart the server if any changes occur to the file.
  • Install all the packages mentioned above with the following command:
npm install typescript @types/node @types/express ts-node nodemon --save-dev
  • Open the folder node-js-express-with-typescript using the command:
code .
  • Create a file server.ts inside the folder node-js-express-with-typescript and Add a start property to the scripts object in the package.json file as shown below
"start": "nodemon src/server.ts",

Creating Express Server with TypeScript

  • Add the following code to the server.ts file:
import express, { Request, Response, Application } from 'express'

// Initiate the express
const initExpress: Application = express()

initExpress.get('/', (req: Request, res: Response) => {
		`<h1>Hey! You successfully set up the express server with typescript.</h1>`,

// Listening to the express server at Port 9000
const PORT = 9000
initExpress.listen(PORT, () => {
	console.log(`I am listening at ${PORT}`)
  • In the above example, Application is the type for initExpress, Request is the type for req and Response is the type for res.

Prepare 'build' for Production

  • Add the build property to scripts object in the package.json file as shown below:
"build": "npx tsc && node dist/index.js"
  • Now, We can run the command npm run build to compile the typescript files and execute the javascript files.


  • TypeScript is like the superpower of JavaScript that helps to reduce bugs in Node JS Applications.
  • We can install TypeScript using the command npm install typescript --save-dev.
  • We can check the typescript version using command tsc --version and initiate typescript project using the command tsc --init.
  • We can compile typescript files to javascript files using the command npx tsc.
  • @types/node helps to add typescript support for Node JS. We can install @types/node using the command npm install @types/node --save-dev.
  • @types/express helps to add typescript support for Express JS. We can install @types/express using the command npm install @types/express --save-dev.