We are happy to provide you with a refund of 100% refund for a Course, within 5 days of the first payment. If you want to claim a refund, please do so by:
- Drop an email to: apsingh6991@gmail.com with the subject “ONLINE COURSE REFUND | REGISTERED EMAIL ID”. Please do not forget to provide the registered email ID in the subject.
- Give your reason for the refund, for our internal purposes.
- Please ensure that the email is received within five days of the First payment. For example: If you paid on 1 July 2022, you should send the refund email on or before 12:00 am, on 5 July 2022.
- Refunds will be processed within 10 to 20 working days of receiving the refund email with the necessary details (and subject line).
- This refund process is applicable to all standalone courses, and combo courses. The refund will not be processed for individual modules of the course.