
map and set

June 12, 2023 · 8 min read

Imagine a long line of many students standing together. Now, let's say I want to organize them based on their height. There are two options: arranging them in descending order from tallest to shortest or in ascending order from shortest to tallest. This process of arranging the individuals in a specific order within the queue is known as sorting.

In this article, I will explore the JavaScript array sort() method. So, let's dive in and discover how I can effectively sort arrays in JavaScript using the Javascript Array sort() method.

Introduction to Javascript Array sort() Method

// Array of integers
let intArray = [5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 1];

console.log(intArray); // output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  • In the above code block, I have an array named intArray containing integers.
  • When i use the sort() method on the intArray, the sort() method arranges the elements in an increasing order. As a result, I obtain the output in ascending order: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

Syntax for Javascript Array sort() Method

  • The syntax for javascript array sort() method: anyArray.sort(optionalFunction).
  • I can apply the sort() method on any array. The sort() method also accepts an optional parameter: optionalFunction.
  • The optionalFunction returns the sorted array elements if provided.
  • Therefore, Javascript Array sort() method is a built-in function that allows us to organize the array elements in a specific order.

Sorting Array Elements Without Passing a Function

Here, I will apply the sort() method without passing the function on: Array of strings and an array of numbers.

Sorting Array of Strings

  • In the following example, I have an array of strings named girlsList.
  • When I apply the sort() method on array girlsList, I will get the output: ['Jaya', 'Rekha', 'Sushama'].
    let girlsList = ["Rekha", "Jaya", "Sushama"] 
    // Sorting an array of strings
    console.log(girlsList) // output: ['Jay', 'Rekha', 'Sushama']
  • Here, I can see that the names of girls in an array girlsList are sorted in ascending order.
  • For example, Jaya comes before Rekha because J comes before R in alphabetical sequences.

Note: If there are elements in the array that include undefined, null, or a space, the sort() method will place them at the end of the array. Consider the following examples:

// An array contains undefined
let girlsList = ["Rekha", "Jaya", undefined, "Sushama"];
girlsList.sort(); // output: ['Jaya', 'Rekha', 'Sushama', >undefined]
// An array contains null 
let girlsList = ["Rekha", "Jaya", null, "Sushama"];
girlsList.sort(); // output: ['Jaya', 'Rekha', 'Sushama', null]
// An array contains space
let girlsList = ["Rekha", , "Jaya", "Sushama"];
girlsList.sort(); // output: ['Jaya', 'Rekha', 'Sushama', empty]
  • After observing the outputs of the above examples, I can see that the sort() method placed undefined, null, and blank space as empty at the end of the array.

Sorting an Array of Numbers

  • In the following example, I have an array of numbers named numArray and apply the sort() method on numArray.
    let numArray = [1, 20, 2, 3, 50, 40, 9]
    // Sorting an array of numbers
    console.log(numArray) // output: ['1', '2', '20', '3', '40', '50', '9']
  • The sorted array for the above example is: ['1', '2', '20', '3', '40', '50', '9'].

Note: Yes! the order of the output array doesn't seems right. Because the sort() method transforms the numbers of an array into UTF-16 format before sorting them, which impacts the order of the elements. The sort() method performs two steps when sorting an array of numbers.

  • First, it converts the numbers into a specific format known as UTF-16. For example, the array [1, 20, 2, 3, 50, 40, 9] is converted to ["\u0031", "\u0032\u0030", "\u0032", "\u0033", "\u0035\u0030", "\u0034\u0030", "\u0039"].
  • Next, the sort() method arranges the numbers in ascending order based on the UTF-16 representations: ["\u0031", "\u0032", "\u0032\u0030", "\u0033", "\u0034\u0030", "\u0035\u0030", "\u0039"]. This results in the sorted array: ['1', '2', '20', '3', '40', '50', '9'].

Sorting Array Elements by Passing a Function

In the previous section, I applied sort() method on an array of strings and an array of numbers without passing a function. Now, I will discuss how to use sort() method with a function parameter. Let's dive

Sorting an Array of Strings: The Correct way

  • Previously, I explained an example using the array girlsList with elements ["Rekha", "Jaya", "Sushama"].
  • After applying the sort() method to this array, the order was changed to ["Jaya", "Rekha", "Sushama"].
  • It is important to note that all the elements in the girlsList array were in uppercase.
  • Now, let's consider a new scenario where the array is modified as follows: newGirlsList = ["rekha", "Jaya", "sushama", "Suhaani"].
  • This time, the elements in the newGirlsList array have a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
let newGirlsList = ["rekha", "Jaya", "sushama", "Suhaani"]

  • After applying the sort() method to the newGirlsList array, the resulting order is ["Jaya", "Suhaani", "rekha", "sushama"].
  • However, the resulting order of newGirlsList does not match the desired result ["Jaya", "rekha", "sushama", "Suhaani"]. Let's explore the solution.
let newGirlsList = ["rekha", "Jaya", "sushama", "Suhaani"]

function compareStrings(prevIndex, nextIndex) {
  let prevIndexLowerCase = prevIndex.toLowerCase();
  let nextIndexLowerCase = nextIndex.toLowerCase();
  return (prevIndexLowerCase - nextIndexLowerCase) 

console.log(newGirlsList.sort(compareStrings)) // output: ['rekha', 'Jaya', 'sushama', 'Suhaani']
  • In the above example, there is an array newGirlsList with four elements: "rekha", "Jaya", "sushama", "Suhaani". I want to arrange these elements in alphabetical order.

  • To achieve this, I define a function called compareStrings. The compareStrings function accept to parameters: prevIndex and nextIndex.

  • Inside the compareStrings function, I convert both elements to lowercase using the toLowerCase() method.

  • Then, I subtract the lowercase nextIndex from the lowercase prevIndex to determine their order respectively.

  • If the result is negative, it means prevIndex will come before nextIndex. If the result is positive, it means nextIndex will come before prevIndex. And if the result is zero, it means the order of prevIndex and nextIndex will remain unchanged.

  • The final output will be ["Jaya", "rekha", "sushama", "Suhaani"].

Sorting an Array of Numbers Example: The Correct Way

let numArray = [1, 20, 2, 3, 50, 40, 9];

function compareNumbers(prevIndex, nextIndex) {
  return (prevIndex - nextIndex) 

console.log(numArray.sort(compareNumbers)) // output: [1, 2, 3, 9, 20, 40, 50]


  • Sorting is the process of arranging elements in a specific order within an array.
  • By default, the sort() method sorts array elements in ascending order.
  • The sort() method arranges array elements based on a specific characteristic, such as their values, alphabetic order, or UTF-16 representation.
  • The sort() method modifies the original array directly, without creating a new array.
  • The syntax for the sort() method is anyArray.sort(optionalFunction).
  • We can apply the sort() method on arrays of strings and numbers without passing a function to sort() method. But the results may differ from your desired results.
  • If the array contains elements like undefined, null, or spaces, they are placed at the end of the sorted array.
  • It is recommended to pass compare function to the sort() method to achieve the desired sorting order for both strings and numbers.
  • By providing the appropriate comparison function, we can achieve the desired sorting order for both strings and numbers.